“Take that, Tooth Fairy!”

On the first night my husband and I played the role of tooth fairy we had an incident. First, let me start by saying that I missed my daughter actually losing her first tooth. I was out at dinner with some girlfriends when I got the text from my husband. Believe it or not, I started to cry right on the spot.

When I got home, I was thrilled to be playing tooth fairy. We were prepared. We were anticipating the tooth falling out any day and got the “gold” one dollar coins from the bank. She wrote a sweet letter to the tooth fairy and my husband had the genius idea of setting the tooth and the note on a pillow next to her bed (I always remember putting it under my pillow).

We then waited for the girls to fall asleep and we went in. I probably did go a bit overboard, using fairy dust and leaving her a note telling her how proud the tooth fairy was of her, and of course, the coin.

At about 3am, we heard a scream from upstairs. My husband and I shot out of bed and ran upstairs to see what happened. My oldest was distraught because the tooth, the pillow, the note (and the gold coin!) were missing. We quickly assured her that it was just the tooth fairy wanting her to go on a scavenger hunt to find her gift. We searched for a few minutes and found the trail of fairy dust (now, thankful I did use it!) that led to her sister’s bedroom. We found everything in there.

We couldn’t believe our sassy little girl took her big sister’s first tooth fairy surprise. I think we played it off well and all was right in our house within just a few minutes.

Bottom line: watch out for the little ones who are jealous they aren’t just like their big sister. Perhaps we should have just put the tooth under her pillow. 🙂

Toothfairy note