I just wrapped up an amazing conference called BlissDom. I had the best time, learned a lot and really made some meaningful connections.

But, I missed my family. As I was waiting to board the plane this morning (and, really, throughout the entire weekend), I would flip through the photos on my phone to see their sweet, smiling faces. Ah, that made me happy.

Then, something struck me. I have a ton of photos of my kids sleeping. I love the way their faces look as they sleep peacefully. I must love it as I had over 20 photos of them in dreamland in my phone. As I was scrolling through these images, I started laughing out loud and thought to myself, these are just too funny not to share. I’m sure you have photos just like these and I’d love to see them, too.

Baby Crib Sleep

Mom, I realized I was small enough to sleep in my doll’s bed! This is so much more comfortable than my own.

Baby Crib Sleep

My mom left out the laundry basket and this is a perfect place to sleep. Why does she make me sleep in a big bed when I’m finding such cozy places to sleep?

Baby Crib Sleep

This is what happens when sleeping and face paint mix.

Baby Crib Sleep

I decided to change my clothes in the middle of the night and put on a fun headband. My midnight fashion show was so exiting that I fell asleep while trying to get back in bed.

Baby Crib Sleep

Because sleeping with your sister is just so much better than on your own.

Baby Crib Sleep

This is what happens when mom takes me to the grocery store after a busy morning.

Baby Crib Sleep

As her mom, I know in my life I will never have enough of this.

Baby Crib Sleep

Not only did my feet get cold, but my hands did, too. Easy fix.

Baby Crib Sleep

Really, mom? You drag us out to an amazing day at a festival then you take a photo of our pure exhaustion on the way home?

Baby Crib Sleep

Sweet, beautiful dreams.

Baby Crib Sleep

Obviously, sitting straight up in the car seat is the most comfortable place to take a nap.

Baby Crib Sleep

We call this: the happy meal coma.

Baby Crib Sleep

A serious case of the Mondays.

Baby Crib Sleep

And, from my furry kid: found a crack in the couch…this is the way to lay.

I want to see your sleeping kids photos! Visit our Facebook page to post them and tell us your story.