Like I said, I’m going to write at times about the little things. Today, it is about teeth. I love my daughter’s smile and one of the biggest reasons why is because of her teeth.

I’ve loved her smile for more than seven years, as it has grown from her first expression of toothless love  to the rabbit-like grin of the toddler years and now, the smile of a young girl losing part of her babyhood. Every tooth that falls out and is replaced with a larger, more adult-looking object that just makes my heart sigh. I love these teeth, both the baby ones and the big girl ones. I love the awkward spaces and the contrast of her baby teeth against her newly grown adult teeth. I know this is a special part of watching her grow each and every day.

This losing your teeth business has its up and downs, and for us funny stories.

Before she started losing her teeth, she loved the dentist. I when I say love, I mean LOVE. She would make the dentist gifts to bring to her appointments and we would count down to “dentist day”. One time, she got so excited about going to the dentist because she wanted to have him put and I quote: “diamonds on her teeth”. When we arrived that morning of her appointment, she could hardly sit and wait to be called in. Once they did call her name she shot up like a rocket and ran to the door (without even looking back). All the other moms looked at me with mouths open, some even asking, “how did you do that?” Our dentist is so cool that he played along with the diamond story and she was thrilled.

Now, we are onto losing those precious teeth (the ones with the diamonds on them), she has become a bit more apprehensive. Watching her grow in this one way has been so much fun. Her little sister can’t wait to join the I’ve-lost-my-tooth club. In fact, she was so jealous that we had an “incident” the first time the tooth fairy came for a visit. You can read all about that here.

Enjoy these little things and think about how something so small can make you thankful for so much.