Here I Go Again
Yes, I'm back. It's been some time. Too much time. Here I go again. I lost my focus. I was doing my best, but the last couple of years have been overwhelming to say [...]
The little things…
As I have been on this journey to be more present in the lives of my children, I've started to notice little things. And, let me tell you, these little things have been awesome. One [...]
No Phone Zones
Do you have a mobile phone addiction? I did and I'm still working on my incessant need to check my phone. I remember when I didn't have a cell phone. It wasn't but a few [...]
Family Dinners
I love family dinners. I enjoy them during the week with my family and I love my Sunday night dinners with my sister and her family (when we have dinner for four adults and five [...]
What’s Your Moment?
Bedtime. Boy, this can be rough sometimes. I don't know about you, but my girls come up with all kinds of ways to delay bedtime. "Can I have a glass of water?" "I need to [...]