BlissDom sounds like a magical place, right?

Well, I am attending my first blogging conference this week and it is called BlissDom. A conference with a name like that, wouldn’t you want to go? Who doesn’t want to find their bliss?

I’m all about “sharpening the saw” as Stephen Covey would say. I’m looking forward to connecting with other women who write amazing blogs and being inspired to do even more with mine. I’m prepared to learn a lot, have loads of fun and meet some incredible people.

Since I registered for this conference, I’ve “virtually” met some pretty cool women:

I signed up for the BlissDom craft swap. Aimee Boussard  was my craft swap partner (her website and products are to die for, please take a look!). She made me a beautiful apron that my girls love just as much as I do (she wrote about it here).

My other craft swap partner was Hilari Schaefer of Be Sweet (another amazing blog you don’t want to miss). We have discovered that we have an infinite amount of things in common and it was super fun to send her a gift from a Florida girl.

Candance Moss of Mom and Pop photo. Love her business and how she is empowering parents to take amazing photos of their families.

Jessie K., who recently launched her blog (I Live Loud, check it out!), and I connected over our roommate situation.

Stephanie Wolfe (The Vintage Modern Wife) who gave me excellent conference wardrobe advice.

I have a list pages long of all the amazing women I want to meet while I am there!

Sleep? There will be none of that.

I am a little nervous. Anxiety has crept its way into my being as get ready to leave Thursday morning. I think I’m beyond lucky to be able to go and do all of the things the wonderful conference planners have set up for us. I’m welcoming roommates who I met on Twitter. Yes, Twitter. I never thought I’d say that.

What I am most excited about is the personal rejuvenation and discovery that will come from this…I’ve read it so many times from BlissDom conference veterans: this will be a life-changing event. I sure hope so.

And, I promise to be present in every part of it.

So, forgive me if my Facebook wall blows up this week with a bunch of photos of me and other beautiful women I meet at BlissDom. As they say in Dirty Dancing, I’m planning to have the “time of my life”.