One of the most powerful tools we have as humans is how we choose to respond to what we experience in life. This was put to the test this year just two days before my anniversary vacation with my husband.
As we were packing, he realized that he could not find his passport. When I tell you we tore the house apart looking for it, we truly did. We looked in every box, drawer, under things, in things, we looked EVERYWHERE. Twice. We still could not find it.
We decided that I would head out on our trip while my husband, Owen, would leave an evening earlier to fly to Miami to get his passport replaced in a day. This would be hard to do. This would mean a very early morning and a long line for him. We took a chance that he’d make it happen.
I decided to make the most of it and have fun solo. I knew my husband had a great sense of humor and would take this in stride. I also wanted to be sure that all of the other guests of our couples only resort knew I wasn’t intentionally there alone.
I shared photos on my personal Facebook page and did not realize how much fun everyone would have following the adventures of #flatowen. Yes, he became a hashtag. I wanted to save the posts in their entirety as I reflected on 2019. This was by far one of my favorite memories and a lesson to us all: we can choose how we respond. I chose love and didn’t let a small bump in the road ruin our trip.
Enjoy the laughs with me, don’t sweat the small stuff.
Please know that this girl is not comfortable with selfies. Using lots of courage here.

Off we go!

You knew that @southwest would join in on this fun.

Still having fun…

We made it to Mexico!

Enjoying the warm reception. Believe me talking a selfie with your husband’s head on a stick is quite the feat.

Making our first friend.

The real Owen joining in on the fun. HE GOT HIS PASSPORT, but missed the last flight of that day.

So. Many. Fun. Photos.

#FlatOwen was the life of the party

The real Owen knowing that #FlatOwen is having WAY more fun.

More beautiful friends. #FlatOwen is beloved at Beloved.

I know many say less is more, well, not in this case. More is better.

Even some of our friends had fun with #FlatOwen
