Be Present Resources
These are the products, books and resources that I have found to help me be more present each and every day. Enjoy!
Search Inside Yourself
This is an incredible book. I highly recommend this read as you search for true meaning, success and happiness in life.
The Family Dinner
Family Dinners: I LOVE them. Here is a book that is a great inspiration for making family dinners an important part of your life.
Dinner: A Love Story
Family Dinners: I LOVE them. Here is a book that is a great inspiration for making family dinners an important part of your life.
Bossy Pants
I love Tina Fey. This book was a fun read and I recommend it highly. Her “A Mother’s Prayer for Her Daughter” is one of my favorite parts. I think a good laugh help us get through [...]
The Whole Brain Child
I recently read this book as I was trying to better understand how to help my daughter with her anxiety. This is a fabulous parenting resource for anyone. There are concrete and realistic recommendations for [...]
My Quotable Kid
I keep a journal of all the funny things my kids say. I even use this book as a journal for funny stories. If my house ever caught fire, this is one of those items [...]