Pure Joy
Jessica Muroff2017-05-05T13:54:46-04:00There are many moments of joy in our lives. When we make an effort to be present each day we find more moments of pure joy. And, what is so amazing about being more present in life is that you [...]
There are many moments of joy in our lives. When we make an effort to be present each day we find more moments of pure joy. And, what is so amazing about being more present in life is that you [...]
Do you have a mobile phone addiction? I did and I'm still working on my incessant need to check my phone. I remember when I didn't have a cell phone. It wasn't but a few years ago when I started [...]
Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. Any reason to celebrate what we are grateful for, I'm there. My family likes to recognize and share what we are grateful for everyday. Now, I want to talk about what frequently happens as a [...]
OK, I'm putting this out there. Have you ever visited the Twilight Zone? I have and I'm sure I'm not the only one. I have the best neighbors on the planet. They are some of my closest friends and they [...]
I am a big fan of writing letters. Perhaps it is because I like to write or, because I love any excuse to buy pretty stationery. Bottom line is that I love letters. I love writing them, receiving them, talking [...]
I don't know about you, but I enjoy these days as much as they do. Today is the day I officially became a mom. It is a day that I also celebrate because of the incredible honor it has been [...]
I love family dinners. I enjoy them during the week with my family and I love my Sunday night dinners with my sister and her family (when we have dinner for four adults and five kids!!) I love cooking and [...]
We try to eat dinner together as a family as many times as we can through the week. This can be difficult to accomplish at times, but we try. It is nice to be able to sit down and talk [...]
Bedtime. Boy, this can be rough sometimes. I don't know about you, but my girls come up with all kinds of ways to delay bedtime. "Can I have a glass of water?" "I need to go to the bathroom!" "Can [...]
An important reminder I recently learned: Smell the flowers, blow out the candle. Just breathe. That's what I need to do. I need to take a moment, take a deep breath in through my nose (smell the flowers) and exhale [...]