
Home/Jessica Muroff

About Jessica Muroff

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So far Jessica Muroff has created 60 blog entries.

The (funny) Little Things: Sleeping


I just wrapped up an amazing conference called BlissDom. I had the best time, learned a lot and really made some meaningful connections. But, I missed my family. As I was waiting to board the plane this morning (and, really, [...]

The (funny) Little Things: Sleeping2017-05-08T12:17:29-04:00

Guest Post: Setting & Keeping a Technology-Free Day


Every semester, at the beginning, as I am painfully explaining the details of my syllabus to classes filled with impatient students, I eventually get to talking about my contact information and office hours. See, while I keep regular face-to-face office [...]

Guest Post: Setting & Keeping a Technology-Free Day2017-05-04T14:33:17-04:00

The “Why” Behind This Project


Wow, the viral articles flying around about the "Dear mom on the iPhone" have been intense. One side is judging and saying mom’s should get off the phone and pay attention to their kids, the other side is upset for the assumptions and the guilt trip. I [...]

The “Why” Behind This Project2017-05-04T14:33:51-04:00

National Day of Unplugging


In case you didn't know, tomorrow is the National Day of Unplugging. It is a 24-hour commitment (sunset on March 1 to sunset on March 2) to completely unplug. I'm going off the grid and I'm going to enjoy every [...]

National Day of Unplugging2017-05-04T14:40:51-04:00
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