I had a great weekend celebrating with wonderful friends that I’ve known for years. I love traveling and spending time really experiencing the culture of the place I’m visiting (this past weekend, it was New Orleans). Making fun memories and enjoying some relaxing time with the people I love makes for a great day.  It got me thinking about my favorite day.

My favorite day is one that starts with a tiny hand that touches my shoulder to wake me up with a soft, sweet voice that says, “Good morning mommy, I’m hungry.” I open my eyes to two precious little faces so close to mine that I just have to smile. I pull them both into bed with me for some hugs and snuggles before I even step one foot out of my bed.

My favorite day continues with making my girls breakfast and my husband making me eggs. The dog has been walked and we start talking about what we are looking forward to that day. No TV is on and we simply get ready for the day ahead. I look at each of my girls in the eyes and smile. I want them to be happy about the day ahead.

Sometimes my favorite day is hurried and my girls get a little grumpy with each other. My husband and I may even be a little snippy as we try to get out the door for school or work. But, it is still my favorite day.

On my favorite day I like to listen to music while I work, meet new people, give back to my community, write letters, talk to family or friends, work through challenges, give hugs and make some time to get in a workout.

At the end of my favorite day, I hear the most excited voice scream, “Mommy’s home!” Then, I’m cooking, having a family dinner where we talk about our day, tucking our girls into bed and relaxing before going to sleep. And, of course, kisses for everyone before the day ends…no matter what.

My favorite day is unlike no other. It has highs and lows. It isn’t predictable, but always satisfying.

My favorite day is each and every day I’m grateful to be given. And, I choose to be present in it.