About Jessica

This is my Be Present Project.
I woke up one day and my daughters were 6 and 4 years old. I couldn’t believe all those years were already gone. I certainly didn’t sleep through it all (believe me, those girls kept me up plenty of nights!) but the realization that these years were going by so fast really hit me. Hard.
This was the treadmill I was on: working a demanding job well more than 40 hours a week, working a lot of nights from home, evenings consisting of quickly cooking dinner and the three B’s (baths, books and bed). And, I admit that I was checking email throughout it all. I felt like I didn’t have time to breathe, that I was missing…
Recent Posts
Focusing on the Positive: Meet #FlatOwen
One of the most powerful tools we have as humans is how we choose to respond to what we [...]
2020: Embracing A New Decade
Being intentional about planning the year ahead has long been something I've done. I also love to share the [...]
2017 Goal Planning Resources
Here you go. My goal planning resources for 2017. I hope they are helpful. If you have suggestions for improvement, [...]
Make each day a story worth telling